bbPress Starter Theme

After working with bbPress for a while I started to realise how much you could actually achieve with it. Full integration with WordPress out of the box is incredibly powerful for developers.

One thing that was lacking for me was the layout of the forum. When I think of forum I tend to see a row of categories/forums across the page with titles and post counts. bbPress gives you the structure to be able to achieve most of this except a last poster section (all the functions are available to achieve it though). This theme was the starting point for and it turned out quite nice in the end.

I decided I would create a theme to get people started with bbPress and give them a head start in achieving a phpbb/invision look and feel to their forums.

You can find it on just click download the zip file to the right handside.

Install the theme by doing the following:

  1. Extract the zip file
  2. Upload the zip file to your theme (for example: /wp-content/themes/mytheme)
  3. You should then be able to see a bbpress-functions.php file inside your WordPress theme files.

You can then visit your bbPress forum and see the changes it makes. Currently it makes the main index page change, but not much else. In future releases I will try and get a full theme working with some colour customizations aswell.
